Unit 11: Making Plans Goals A, B, and C

 Unit 11: Making Plans

Goals A, B, and C

Lesson Objectives:

Objective: In today’s class we will talk about special celebrations and wishes for future professions by using “be going to” and “would like to” in short conversations with our partners. 

By the end of this class, we will be able to

  1. Talk about the future using “be going to”.

  2. Talk about wishes using “would like to”.

  3. Talk about different professions. 

  4. Talk about celebrations. 


  • Collaboration document. 

  • Reviewing previous topics about health and remedies. 

  • New vocabulary.

  • Grammar: “be going to” and “would like to”.

  • Listening. 

  • Speaking. 

Task 1: Guess: what do I have?

  1. Let’s access this padlet and write down some recommendations according to the health problems we get in there. Click HERE

Task 2:

  1. What are your plans after this class? 

  2. What are your plans for the weekend? 

  3. What are your plans for your life?

  4. Do you have a favorite special day: anniversary, Christmas day, New Year…


  1. Today, I want to…

  2. I am thinking about …ing.

  3. I think I am going to…

  4. I am going to…

Task 3:

  1. Let’s get divided into breakout rooms, and let’s complete exercise A, goal A, unit 11, page 57. 

  2. Then, practice the new vocabulary by clicking HERE. Discuss each scenario. 

Task 4:

  1. Let’s focus on “plan to” and “want to”

  1. Comment in the main room: 

What do you want to do? 

What do you plan to do for the other’s birthday: mom, son, daughter, boyfriend…? 

Task 5: Grammar! (10min)

  1. Let’s review the simple present, present progressive and future “be going to”. 

Together we are going to complete an exercise the teacher is going to display.

Task 6: How can we invite people in our future plans? 

  1. Let’s complete the exercise the teacher is going to display.

  2. In goal E, we have some example of invitations: 

  1. Which invitations are just for one person? 

  2. Which is an invitation to a lot of people? 

  3. Which one is informal or formal?

    3. Some characteristics of formal and informal writing are… 

Task 7: Let’s plan and invite!

  1. Now, let’s get divided into groups, and click HERE to practice the present progressive. 

  2. Finally, let’s organize a celebration! Choose a special day. For example, New Year’s Eve or a graduation. 


What you are going to do.

Where it is going to be.

Who you are going to invite.

  1. In your invitation, add information like: 

What is the event? 

When is it? 

At what time? 

Where is it? 

Other information? (e.g., music, food)

Task 8:

Goal B

Objective: describe a national Holiday. 

  1. Let’s discuss these questions: 

When is your birthday? It is on ….

When is our Independence Day? It is on ….

When is Father’s Day? It is on ….

How do you celebrate them? 

Task 9:

  1. Let’s complete exercises A and B, from goal B, unit 11, page 59.

  2. Click HERE to practice dates.  

  3. Then, let’s discuss these questions: 

What is your classmate’s favorite holiday in their country?

What date(s) is it going to be on this year?

What is she/he going to do? 

Please, take notes, so you can share them in the main room. 

Task 10:

Goal C

Objective: make life plans. 

  1. Look at the picture. What is her plan? 

  1. Together, let’s complete exercise B, goal C, unit 11, page 61. 

Task 11: Grammar “would like to”

 Together, let’s complete exercise D, goal C, unit 11, page 62.

Task 12:

  1. Let’s practice “would like to” by clicking HERE

  2. Then, please click HERE, so you can practice the professions. 

Task 13: Reading skills under pressure!

  1. Let’s read about some activities that are done here in Costa Rica. Click HERE

  2. You select one that you find interesting, and talk about it with your classmate. 

  3. You can describe it and discuss these questions: 

Are you planning to go? 

What can you do there? 

Is it an important celebration for Costa Ricans? 

Take notes, so you can share your celebration in the main room! 


Click HERE to access today’s feedback. 

Exit ticket!

Is there a festival you would like to go to? 

Would you like to go to Christmas parades? 


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