Review Units 10, 11, 12

 Review Units 10, 11, 12

Lesson Objectives:

Objective: In today’s class we will talk about the topics covered in units 10, 11 and 12 in order to complete the second written test. 


  • Review Simple Present: feel, look.

  • Grammar: should.

  • Grammar: future going to. 

  • Grammar: would like to for wishes. 

  • Grammar: Simple Past.

Task 1:

  1. Let’s click on this LINK, so we can review the structure of should and should not. 

  1. How do you ask about… 

Someone’s health.

About a vacation. 

About when the person was born. 

About a festival.

Task 2: Going to…

  1. Let’s remember the structure of “going to”. 

  2. Look at the pictures and describe what they are going to do, or where they are going.

Task 3: Going to…

  1. Discuss with your partner your plans about learning English. For example, I am studying English because I am going to travel to Canada. 

  2. Answer these questions: 

What are you going to do for your vacation? 

How are you going to celebrate your next birthday? Are you going to have a big meal with your family?  

If you travel to the mountain, are you going to see a hummingbird? 

Are you going to sleep after the test? Or, are you going to hang out with friends/family? 

  1. Depending on the answers your partner gives, create 3 more questions. 

Task 4: Wish: would like to…

  1. Let’s review the structure. Do you remember when to use “would like to”

  2. Please, click HERE, so you can access an extra activity. 

  3. Then, answer these questions in the main room: 

What would you like to do in the near future? 

Would you like to study another language? 

Which international festival would you like to visit? 

Task 5: Simple Past  

  1. Let’s review the Simple Past. 

Task 6: I bet you don’t know the verb! 

  1. Depending on your group, click on the link. 

  2. Your classmate is going to ask you for the past tense of a verb. If you do not know the answer, you give a candy to your partner. If you know the answer, you win a candy!







Task 7: 

  1. Let’s discuss in the main room: 

What did you do in the past that you would like to do differently? 

What are you going to do to achieve it? 

Before going to the test, what do you need to review a little bit more? 


Please, click HERE, so you can access today’s feedback. 

Exit Ticket!

Doubts about the test? 


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