Unit 12: Goals C, D and E

 Unit 12

Goals C, D and E

Lesson Objectives:

Objective: In today’s class we will compare the past with the present, related to transportation, education, work and/or health by using the simple past and simple present. 

By the end of this class, we will be able to

  1. Describe a vacation.

  2. Compare the Past and Present.

  3. Give biographical information. 


  • Check homework.

  • Review grammar: Simple Past. 

  • Final survey.

  • Vocabulary

  • Listening. 

  • Reading.

  • Oral test

Task 1: Let’s remember! - Homework 

Which verbs did you learn? 

What sentences can you create? 

Task 2: Questions in Simple Past

  1. Let’s read the next sentences and make them into questions: 

I ate salad and chicken. 

We danced the whole night. It was funny!

They were at home because of my birthday. 

He drove his car to arrive at Centro Cultural Costarricense. 

She had to study before the test. 

Task 3: Questions in Simple Past 

  1. Please, click HERE, so you can do an activity about Simple Past. 

  2. Let’s tell a story! Click HERE. You will get some pictures. Pretend they are photographs you took on your trip. Narrate a story about what you did. 

Task 4: 

  1. Let’s discuss and ask your classmates: 

How were your last vacations? 

Where did you go? 

Who went with you on your vacation?

Task 5:

Goal C

Objective: describe vacation.

  1. Please go to Unit 12, goal C, page 73, and complete exercise A. 

  2. Then, choose 3 phrases to create Simple Past sentences. Add their corresponding question. 

For example: 

Take a bus

I took the bus to arrive at the Centro Cultural Costarricense. 

Did you take the bus? 

Task 6: Let’s practice pronunciation and listening!

  1. Please, click HERE, so you can access an extra activity where you can practice the -ed sound. 

  2. Then, please click HERE and answer the questions after the listening. 

  3. Finally, let’s practice the simple past in a conversation with our partner. Answer the questions: 

What did you do on the last National Holiday?


What did you do for Christmas? 

First, I prepared dinner for my family. Secondly, we ate chicken. Next, we opened the presents. Later, we sang and danced to our favorite songs. And finally, we had a cup of hot chocolate and we went to sleep. 

Task 7: 

Goal D

Objective: compare the past and present.

  1. Look at the words. Which things do we usually see in the city? Which don’t we normally see in the city? 

  1. Mumbai is a city in India. Why do you think this leopard is walking in the city? 

Task 8: Listening!

  1. Please, create a copy of this document by clicking HERE

  2. The teacher will share an audio, so please fill in the blank spaces. 

  3. The teacher will share the complete reading so that you can check your answers. 

Task 9:

  1. Please, complete exercise C, goal D, unit 12 page 76. 

  2. Then, try to compare the past and the present. You can focus on1 or 2 topics like: transportation, school, work and free time, food and health, or animals and the environment. 

Task 10:

Goal E

Objective: give biographical information. 

  1. Let’s read these biographies, and guess who they are. 

  1. He is a professional soccer player from Costa Rica. He was born on December 15, 1986, in San Isidro, Costa Rica. He is known as a talented goalkeeper and he played for various clubs, including Deportivo Saprissa in Costa Rica, Levante in Spain, and Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) in France. He also represented the Costa Rican national team.

  1. He is a famous scientist and astronaut. He was born on April 5, 1950, in San José, Costa Rica. He is known for his work in the field of plasma physics and his contributions to space exploration. He became the first Latin American astronaut to travel into space and flew on multiple missions with NASA.

Task 11:

  1. Please, complete exercises C and E, goal E, unit 12, pages 77 and 78, respectively. 

When you create your biography, please share it with your partner. 

Task 12:

  1. Let’s read the next sentences the teacher is going to share. 

  2. If they are not correct, please say so. And, send the correct answer through the Zoom chat. 

  3. Click HERE

Task 13:

  1. Let’s review the questions in simple present, click HERE

  2. Do you remember the vocabulary from goal A? Let’s see by clicking HERE

Task 14: Oral test

  1. Let’s check one of the situations and practice it in the breakout room. Remember to call the teacher in case you have issues. 


Please, click HERE, so you can access today’s feedback. 

Exit Ticket!

Questions about the test? 

What are you going to study for the test? 

What recommendations can we do to get a good grade? 


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